
Robert Henry Fouques
French, 1892-1956

Born in New Caledonia, Fouques is noted for his post-impressionist work, in a style reminiscent of the late nineteenth century. His scenes are tranquil, his compositions
uncluttered, and atmosphere and light bathe his landscapes. Some of his work is highly detailed; others are impressionistic. Some pieces are monumental, others are small, but almost all are serene and evocative of the moods of rural France.

Fouques spent much of his life painting, yet seldom promoted the sale of his work. Nonetheless, he was a member of the Societe des Artists Francais. He exhibited at the Salon D’Hiver during the period from 1920 until his death in 1956, often winning prizes from the committee of the salon. The government of France purchased some of his paintings during his lifetime.

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